30 August 2009

Leaders of the Pack

Leader of the Pack
Look at this chap. Dapper all to hell. Cycling about his city in style at a grand age. Waiting for the red light with dignity. I'm hoping I'll look this good when I get to his age.
Flower Basket
Heading home in the afternoon into a stiff headwind. Fresh flowers in the basket. Riding past one of Copenhagen's bicycle counters.


  1. I bet that there are many more "dapper chaps" riding around; people of all ages worldwide are enjoying biking.

  2. Is 70 elderly? If so I guess I'm an elderly cyclist or maybe just an elderly psycho. I have a car which lately I make myself drive once a week just to keep that 22 year old jalopy operational. I prefer my bike. I ride a 1976 Chicago made Schwinn with racks, front basket and full fenders. I ride in street clothes, sandals and I don't own a helmet. I don't believe I am a bit dapper. Oh yeah, I do this in a very bicycle unfriendly place.

  3. i don't really know what 'elderly' is and I always hate having to put an age to it. but oldfool, ride on sir! you're a role model!
