27 July 2009

Political Cycle Chic [Cicloeleganza]

Brilliant. Italian Minister of Equal Opportunity, Mara Carfagna on her summer holidays in a bikini, kaftan and a supersize bag. Ms Carfagna is a former model and showgirl but the little weasel Berlusconi brought her into the political limelight by appointing her as a minister in his cabinet.

This kind of photo of Ms Carfagna on a bicycle is the reason that I coined the word 'cicloeleganza' - the Italian version of Cycle Chic.

Grazie mille to Massimiliano for the heads up.


Anonymous said...

Elle est belle!

Unknown said...

Hi Mikael,

I love your pictures on the site... I produce a radio show in Sydney called BikeLove. It would be great to get you on the show to talk a bit about cycling in Copenhagen. Would you be interested?
My email is bikelove at 2ser . com
website is www . bikelove . wordpress .com


neitherfishnorflesh said...

yes, beautiful.. too bad she is such a real whore.. i hope you'll never have to hear her talk.. she is a real shame for any "civilized" country :(

Anonymous said...

I agree with neitherfishnorflesh completely... I prefer to see elegance + sophistication + intelligence + culture... a much better combination...

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't know about whether or not she is a whore but she really looks beautiful.

Colville-Andersen said...

for the record, she is not a 'whore' in the literal sense [as far as I'm aware] but I agree that she is a right-wing maniac whose credibility is questionable given her allegiance to the weasal Berlusconi.

Unknown said...

Neitherfish: hmm, whether you like her politics or not, please don't call women 'whores'. Maybe English isn't your first language - but it sounds extremely vulgar.

neitherfishnorflesh said...

@Martin: Generally speaking you are absolutely right and I'm sorry for using that word on this site, where a "lighter" tone is certainly more appropriate. I'm italian.. i know it's a "bad" word.. but -sadly- that word really fits her. She's not a good role model for sure, believe me. Italian politicians are an amazing example of everything that's wrong in this world right now.

lagatta à montréal said...

È molto bella, però... I agree with neitherfushnorfleshes' evaluation of La Cafagna, but please don't insult honest sex workers by associating them with her!

That said, it is a very beautiful photo, and I've seen lots of everyday Italians (male and female) with every bit as much cicloeleganza as quella stronza.

(Stronza is the feminine of "stronzo", meaning a turd - an absolutely non-gendered insult in Italian).

If Italy had a better government, it would do more to promote cycling and public transport in a country where it is possible all year round, rather than tonnes of dubious contracts for autostrade...

Kate said...

Well, folks, her beauty is undeniable. Her politics...don't know any of it. Interesting comments so far, tho!!

'Xander Labayen said...

our ministers would never fit into her outfit..but equal opportunity minister? how cool is that!