22 July 2009

Home from Holidays

Bornholm Daddy Felix2
We've returned home from a little two week holiday [little because we get 5-6 weeks of holidays in Denmark] to the Danish island of Bornholm. It's a lovely place and it often feels like Denmark's own little Mediterranean paradise. They call it the Sunshine Island and the local dialect is so unlike the other dialects in the country that you feel like you're in another country.

It's a popular holiday destination not just for Danes but for Swedes, Germans and Poles, given it's proximity in the Baltic Sea south of Sweden. In the photo above, Wifealiciousness was sneaky and caught Felix and I on our way home in the evening on the clunky old summer house bicycle. She was walking with the pram at the time.
Bornholm Daddy Felix
Sneaky, too, in catching this shot earlier in the evening.
Bornholm Family
But hah... I'm sneaky too. Here's Wifealiciousness and Lulu heading through the countryside. We got to test-ride the new two-wheelers from the iconic Danish bike brand, Christiania Bikes, who are located on the island. I had Felix on my bike, while Lulu rode with Wifealiciousness on this little 30 km bike ride one day. The requisite baguette sticking up out of the bike is such a summery sight.


  1. haha the green bike is hilarious



  2. Glad to see your little one travelling sans helmet, as I've now been scolded twice in a week for not putting polystyrene on our boys.

    (I tried using facts in response: it didn't work)

  3. Your boy looks great with the beret and sunglasses. So Jean-Paul Belmondo ;)

  4. workbike: the fundamentalists don't like facts.

    txell: jean-paul indeed! just like the beginning of Un Homme est une Femme... "Au port... non... au golf... non... au carting... non... au port..." :-)

  5. lalalalallaaaaalalallalaaaaa...
    tarararaaaaaa....la vie se ressemble toujours à un home est une femme!

  6. You are indeed a beautiful family and I visit your blog every day. In fact, today I provided more information and a link to your site. Glad you holiday was fun!!

  7. I meant to say that I linked your site on my comments on my own blog today. Come visit; I've got a cyclist on it!! I also have a link to your site on my sidebar.

  8. heh, so maybe that's what you were talking about with the head of Christiania Bikes when I ran into you at Baisikeli? That Christiania bakfiets (I guess?) looks sexy. Wonder how it compares to a LvH.

  9. supper skön blogg! saknar verkligen min gamla militärhoj.
    skall göra slag i saken och bli en
    bättre människa.
    i want to ride my bicycle.

  10. felix is a trendsetter! GUAPOS!!!

  11. 5-6 weeks of vacation? Wow. I have two week and my boss probably thinks I'm a slacker for taking all of it. Another compelling reason to move!

  12. i hope we'll get a more detailed review of your test ride! thanks as always for the awe-inspiring photos and scenery. --patrick
