13 June 2009


El Dudero
Yes, I am guilty of showing too many women here. That is just how it is. This post is just a half-hearted attempt to even the score.

Blue lake, blue bike. Yay, the flipflop season is here. Nothing like kicking off those shoes after a long winter.
Suit Red Bike
Two styles of riding, two distinct personalities.

Yellow Cargo
This lad is fabulously timeless in his appearance. And somehow that backdrop looks almost surreal. I am not sure why.


Lovely Bicycle! said...

Have you been feeling guilty because of the Treehugger discussion? : )

Lars Daniel Terkelsen said...


MamaVee said...

oh thank you. the last one is obviously my favorite. Doesn't hurt that I'm a sucker for a man in a cap and my fav color is yellow. hubba hubba hubba!

Lovely Bicycle! said...


"6 Reasons The World Needs More Girls on Bikes"



(check the comments after the articles)

Kate said...

The guy in the top photo has a great head of hair. I am always struck when I see the photos on this blog by an absence of fancy-pansy clothes and gear plus no helmets. Very interesting.

Kelvin said...

Notice that the first black bike and the red bike don't have chain guards. Heck, the red bike doesn't even have fenders! The excuses for not cycling are wearing thin, and that's a good thing.

Lars Daniel Terkelsen said...

@Kelvin: Your remark really tells a lot about differences in bike culture. To a Dane what you said is like "Huh???? What is he talking about?"

Anonymous said...

had this photo been done in black & white, it could pass as 100 years old!

Anonymous said...

The red bike even doesn't have brakes!

Colville-Andersen said...

like 95% of the bikes in Copenhagen it has coaster brakes.

Anonymous said...

yay photos of great looking men! and the bikes, of course....Keep up the good work :)

Anonymous said...

bring back the women - sorry, my preference.

Anonymous said...

Is the last picture Yehuda Moon?

Colville-Andersen said...

haha... that's funny. could be!

Cyclin' Missy said...

Looks like a real life Yehuda Moon!

Modiste1000 said...

Oh yum. Thanks.