30 June 2009

Balancing Act

A couple of toes holding the show show in perfect balance. And all while adjusting her dress and talking into the hands-free microphone for her mobile phone.


  1. Almost looks like she's in charge of the road. And with that kind of classy style, I wouldn't mind if she was.

    Incidentally, apparently headphones are illegal for cyclists here in Ontario. Not sure how they feel about one-ear devices, though I must admit I've occasionally listened to some monoaural music while on a bike.

  2. wow, she's really got it together - doing all that and managing to look cool at once.

    PS: I love this site

  3. Here in NY headphones (through which you can not only hear your music, but that sparrow cheeping by the side of the road as well) are illegal, but one ear devices are not.

    On the other hand, a fully soundproofed box equipped with an audiophile quality sound system so you can hear it playing a sparrow cheeping without being distracted by outside noises is not only legal, but considered highly desirable by the very people who made headphones illegal; who are also the very people who insist that a motorcycle helmet which places your ears in full padded cups does not cause an unsafe drop in hearing ability.


  4. I don't think I've ever seen anyone using a hands-free microphone hands-free.

  5. I love CCC... Very entertaining. It seems to take me to my happy bicycle place, which is good... My blog is called screaming monkey bike , http://screamingmonkeybike.blogspot.com/ , probably not as entertaining as CCC but no less love for bikes...

    your monkey friend in Indiana...

  6. This is what I will call a unique site! Bravo!!;-)
