20 May 2009

Copenhagen Cycle Chic Goes to Amsterdam 02

Dutch Locks
No surprise really that my camera's memory card ended up with a slough of Cycle Chic photos from my visit to Amsterdam. What to do but post them here. Dutch locks. In more than one sense. It's strange for a Copenhagener to see people riding around with big old chain locks when all we use is our wheel locks. But I guess you get used to it.
Smooth Rider
Riding in smooth style, straight-backed, just like our mothers taught us.
A splash of Cycle Chic funkaliciousness.
Growing Pains
When you're the "Father of Urban Cycle Chic" [F.U.C.C] :-) it's important to check up on all the copycats and collaboraters now and then. Marc from Amsterdamize does a fine job and we love him madly. There are, it appears, some minor technical details that need to be worked out, as illustrated above. I gently went over to him and turned him around so that he was actually facing the bicycles. Poor boy was a bit knackered after the Copenhagen drinking lesson he recieved the night before, bless his little cotton socks.


I've now reverted the RSS Feed to full, by popular demand. I did it a couple of days ago. Is it working? Do let us know.


  1. hahaha, oh that British streak of humor of yours, I'm seriously contemplating to never turn my back on you again :).

    Usually I'm all for 'What happens in Amsterdam, stays in Amsterdam', but now that you touched on my socks and drinking game, I want to let your fans know that with age (F.U.C.C.) comes distortion of facts, things like reality get a tad blurry. Bless his well-intended bias.

    Good thing I can afford to take a pic of flowers in a bike crate once in a while, as the flow of cycle chic won't ever stop here. They don't call it The Bicycle Capitol of the World for nothing :)

  2. That would be 'Capital', obviously :)

  3. I was immediately struck by the lock in her hands and thenthe purple one.

    It's amazing how anything you photograph looks/becomes cool. I always hate my locks and at first got the smallest one I could find. Friends from Portland berated me and I got a bigger lock. I use a lock even with the sorte for fear that someone will stalk me and lift it up in a flatbed and take my baby away. ( I grew up in NYC, then later lived in places like New Haven where our grill was locked to our backyard fence...)

    So it's nice to see locks look cool- as we do need them over here. Even in my "safest city in America" ( eh now it ranks #4 or 5)

    FWIW- I could not see pics in the feed, but I always come directly to the site so it never bothered me. In fact I like to be surprised.

  4. full RSS does not seem to be working for me.

    Love the funkaliciousness!!

  5. Why is it that all these bike riding women are so beautiful? Oh, yeah, they're riding bikes.

    I need to find a teaching gig on that side of the pond.

  6. I think people who are physically active on a regular basis are attractive for a number of reasons, including that they tend to stay healthier and healthier looking, but there is also something much more human about human-powered movement (big surprise).

    The full RSS feed isn't working for me either :-/ Though it's not really a huge deal for me either.

  7. Does nobody else see the humor in the F.U.C.C. acronym?

  8. I want a beautiful black Raleigh or Raleigh-esque ride. I live in ny -can anybody help?

  9. 'Copenhagen' drinking lesson? You need to come to Edinburgh...

  10. To Mir:

    The Dutch Bike Company, which I bought a bike from, is opening up a location in New York City. The owners said the shop will open in August and be in the West Village. They sell mainly Azor bikes, which are Raleigh-like. But, like the Velobris bikes Mikael mentioned, they are also quite expensive.

    Alternatively, the clothier Club Monaco is currently selling Gazelle bicycles. However, good luck with service on that one.

    Here are the links:



  11. That's the type of huge lock I have to use in Chicago. I'm used to it and have complete peace of mind when my bike's locked up.

    I love all the Amsterdam pictures. Some days I think I need to give up on the US and move to Northern Europe!

  12. yup, i totally read F.U.C.C and giggled. :)

  13. Thanks Sean!I knew about the Club Moncao thing, but I am much more inclined to buy a bike from a proper bike shop, or at least someone that actually knows about bikes...

  14. Thank you too Mikael! Those bikes are beautiful!! On a completely different note, these bikes are awesome too- http://www.republicbike.com/. But I think I prefer the classic style.

  15. The best part is the Copenhagen drinking lesson... lord knows I learned that.... quite funny I think.

    Just try and go home before 5am in the morning and surely if you are with a group of Copenhageners you won't even make it within 5' of the door. I'm pretty sure there is a law somewhere that says keep drinking until you fall on your face.
