23 May 2009

Brussels Cycle Chic

Metro Bike1
With all that said in the last post about Brussels being rather devoid of Cycle Chic in the true sense of the phrase, there were some cool cats round about.
Brussels Brolleys
Brolleys always make bicycles look nicer somehow.
Bruxelles Cool
This guy rode along with a cigar in his mouth, hopped on and was hurrying off to a bar when I accosted him and made him pose.
BXL Cycle Chic
Negotiating traffic in style.

I'm in Japan at the moment and I forgot my laptop charger in Copenhagen so here's me running around trying to find one so I can blog my photos from this wicked cool country... Stay tuned.


  1. Finding an electrical gadget in Japan!? Good luck to you...

  2. The first photo is sublime. Very nice work Mikael!

  3. Så meget for at jeg fik hotellet til at fiske den frem fra gemmerne i Bruxelles? Det virker som om du ikke er særlig knyttet til den oplader?
    Håber det er fedt derovre - er meget misundelig...
    KH Marie

  4. Mikael, do find one, please! I dream of visiting Japan. Now with Cycle Chic idea on my mind!

  5. "FEED OFF OF CYCLE CHIC DAILY" why bother? There are no longer any images in the feed. I've canceled my sub and just check in via my bookmarks when I happen to think of it.

  6. Please remove the comment by David with the link to the offensive site. Thank you
