14 April 2009

Springtime Dizzytine and Cycle Chic Goes to Riga

Dizzy Springtime
Springtime is Dizzy time.

Copenhagen Cycle Chic [and Copenhagenize.com] will be visiting Riga, Latvia this week. With my copenhagenize hat on I'll be speaking at a conference about bicycle culture hosted by the Royal Danish Embassy and the Danish Cultural Institute in Riga. Marketing Bicycle Culture to the Sub-Conscious Environmentalists.

With my Cycle Chic hat on I'll be photographing in the city inbetween coffees and beers.

If you're in Riga, have a bike and ride it frightfully stylishly, drop me a line.


  1. If we were still living in Vilnius, Lithuania I would come see you. Best of luck!

  2. Spread cycling as a mean of transportation as much as you can! You have shown us that it is one of the coolest things on the planet.

  3. Cool picture! Have fun in Riga. I'm heading to that general area soon, too - St. Pete, Russia!
