18 April 2009

Copenhagen - City of Cyclists Music Video

At long last. The music video I made for the City of Copenhagen is now finished. It's a promotional video aimed at highlighting how the bicycle is an integrated part of this city's urban fabric and the many ways that the citizens use the bicycle.

I filmed throughout August 2008 and a few times during the winter, when it snowed.

It's a great thrill to finally get it online. I showed the film at a bicycle conference in Riga a couple of days ago - the world premiere as it were - but here is the video, finally online.

Enjoy. And feel free to embed it on your website.


  1. Thats so awesome!
    and yeah, how did you film in August 2009 got a TARDIS or something we dont know about?

  2. Absolutely brilliant. Inspiring!

    Only bit I am not keen on is the bit where you run backwards. Just seems to be utterly wrong with a bike!

  3. Brilliant! Mikael, the couple at the ends is a perfect finish.

  4. Ken in Nashville Tennessee18 April 2009 at 14:51

    Really fantastic. Thanks for your work. I wish this could be my city, just for one day. It would be an experience I've never had, to have dozens of citizen cyclists all around me, and not have to ride in constant fear of cars & trucks.

  5. Yup, that's CPH alright. Didn't expect anything less, M, awesome!

  6. I love the closing shot of the girl holding the guys hand. :) Beautiful.

    Great video!

  7. really well done, very enjoyable! Thanks for posting it.

  8. What a beautiful video.. I hope we 'd have the 1/10th of that in Greece.. :(

  9. Thank you for making and sharing this. As others have mentioned, it's inspiring.

    Also, as a regular reader of this blog, watching the video is fun because it's like watching a movie where you know a bit of the back story.

    I was able to pick out your Scrap Deluxe, wife and son, the cyclist mural and statue, and the bicycle coffee cart.

    Nice work!

  10. I had a very good feeling, thank you.

  11. Great Video! I really like it!

  12. thanks, everyone! [changed it to Aug 2008... :-)]

  13. Congrats!! I've loved this video...absolutely wonderful! I've just arrived to your city again and i have to say that I'm totally in love with it. And of course, I use a bike :-)

  14. LINK LOVE!!!
    (love, love, love your video!)

  15. Excellent well done! I would take out the parts in reverse motion. They look cheesy.

  16. I love the video too. Excect the reverse parts and the cheese music. But the footage is beautiful.

  17. The film is a great inspiration for our city. Much admire his work. Excellent!

  18. Beautiful (as usual), but for today, Budapest was the city of cyclists - see http://indafoto.hu/foldesandras/image/3811055-f603c075 ;)

  19. This video is amazing. Would you mind if I put up on my nature blog, of course with proper recognition and attribution?

    Krystal D.

  20. I love your blog and this video is great.
    I hope you don't mind but I shared the video on my blog.
    I linked back to your blog of course.

  21. Awesome! Your site is the best. I love reading the updates. It's always fresh exciting. Your English is perfect too. I know, that sounds ignorant to say since I am sure many Danes speak English, but even your slang and casual language is correct. Love the photography. Your blog makes me want to move there.

  22. thanks everyone.
    feel free to embed the video wherever.

  23. This is absolutely wonderful! What beautiful photography! There are some very sweet moments memorialized here.

  24. lovely! Makes me feel a little jealous though. Sigh.

  25. What a nice video 'I really like those frozen moments at the red lights just as the riders go from still to start. It's like a mob freez.
    Well done 10 out of 10 top of the class

  26. A friend pointed out that I have the same raincoat (with the huge raindrops) as the cyclist at 0:27 of the film. I bought it in Copenhagen last May, and just this week finally got a bicycle . . . with frequent visits to your website for inspiration, trying to bring a bit of style to cycling in Winnipeg, Canada!
