22 April 2009

Cargo Bike Race Cycle Chic

Svajerløb 2009: Style Over Speed
For the first time in almost 50 years, a cargo bike race took place last weekend in Copenhagen. A real 'svajerløb'. Svajerne were the bike messengers that ruled the streets for decades in the first half of the 20th century. They were dressed frightfully stylishly in hats, ties, jackets and shiny boots, as you can see here in this film clip from the 1930's. It was a fantastic day. For the full story about the race, you can see our article over at Copenhagenize.com. In the meantime, here's some Cargo Bike Race Cycle Chic. Above, a Copenhagen supermum tries out the race course with her kids.
Svajerløb 2009: Families
Just like these superdads are doing.
Svajerløb 2009: Dad
And this superdad.
Svajerløb 2009: Kid Transport Svajerløb 2009: Baisikeli Relay
I've never seen so many cargo bikes in one place before. It was brilliant. Participants and spectactors alike. In the above photo on the right, Henrik from Baisikeli takes part in the relay race, dressed as sharp as the old svajere, on an ambulance bike from Baisikeli. They send old Danish bikes to Africa where many are convertd into ambulance bikes or water-carriers.

Svajerløb 2009: Cycle Chic Racing Style Svajerløb 2009: Christiania Relay
Cycle Chic wasn't restricted to the spectators. Here are a couple of Copenhageners in the relay race wearing their 'cycling clothes'.
Svajerløb 2009: Longjohn Curb Hop
The day was a huge success and we're looking forward to 2010 where we hope to sponsor a Cycle Chic race for our more fashionable citizens. We'll keep you posted.