3 March 2009

Style Over Speed

Style Over Speed
An old favourite here on Cycle Chic. The chap on the left is my hero. More Working-Class-Hero-Chic than chic but his look is proving popular among the male population here. Especially the sixpence hat, as we call it in Danish.

Style over Speed, indeed.

Oh, and I don't know if you've noticed our 'gadget' on the top of the right column. Copenhageners cycle 1.2 million km a day so whenever you're here visiting, you can see how many km we've ridden since midnight, Central European Time.


Anonymous said...

Dammit, that dog's wearing fur!

I have to ask - do you call it a 'sixpence' in Danish or do you call it whatever-the-danish-is-for-sixpence?

AJS said...

Great blog, it should be nicer if more people (speacily the "power" people"), did the same. Nice kms so far, keep the good work

Kind Regards

Colville-Andersen said...

thanks, both.
we call it a 'sixpence', not the Danish version of the word, since we never had pence or six of them put together. :-)

Colville-Andersen said...

haha... didn't catch the "that dog's wearing FUR!" comment before.

It was a lovely dog and made a lovely pair of mittens after it was cruelly run over by the pelaton during the 12th etape of the 1937 Tour de France.

Anonymous said...

I want to precariously balance a woofer on the front of my bike! It must have spectacular stomach muscles!

Colville-Andersen said...

Please don't call me a woofer.

Christopher Paul said...

Well what if I really have to get where I'm going really really fast?

Adrienne Johnson said...

Make sure you strap your dog down or else he'll fall off and Mikael will have new gloves :-)

Anonymous said...

The reason why we call it 'sixpence' is that when the first ones were imported from England they carried a six pence-price tag. The at that time unfamiliar-with-English Danes of course mistook it for the name.


Anonymous said...

Nice blog, i'll definitely go for speed for fitness reason.

Anonymous said...

Oh, please give us this shot as a hi-qual wallpaper.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to imagine my nervous little dog staying in my bike basket. It would never happen but I guess a girl can dream.

Anonymous said...

Oh, but old school wool racing kits are so cool! Check out vintagevelos.com for some really spiffy looking reproductions of old race stuff. My favorite is their newest: http://www.vintagevelos.com/jer-cilo1.html

Different looks for different riding. I wear suits and shoes on my brompton folding bike to work and lyrca on my "fast" bike!