27 March 2009

Hue Are You?

Hue Are You?
'Hue' is the Danish for a winter hat, generally of wool. Whatever. I like this shot.
Red'y for Anything
Redy for anything. Even the winter.


A warm welcome to the Cycle Chic to our friends in Hungary who have started a Cycle Chic blog - http://cyclechic.blog.hu/.

And CycleChic.be is now up and running, too. Wonderful stuff. The Union for a Better Environment in Belgium is behind this blog and they were kind enough to ask if it was alright if they borrowed the Cycle Chic name. Thanks for that!

We're looking forward to great shots from both Belgium and Hungary!


  1. In photo 2, with that fur hat, is that really Marge Gundersen? OMG! She's my hero!

    -martin de melbourne

  2. Just letting you know, I love your site -- check it often and frequently wished we pedaled in the States in whatever catches OUR fancy. I've lamented on my blog before that for my wedding in October I will have heinous jersey and shorts tan lines..and need a strapless jersey! :)

  3. Just dropping a note to say I love this blog. Here in the States where I live, it's sad that everything is so spread out. Just to get to the grocery store is almost 20 minutes by car. *sigh* No matter - this spring I am buying myself a beach cruiser bike and biking to nowhere.

  4. I like the winter shots and the news about the Belgian blog, great! We are still waiting for better days here for bike commuting. Cheers

  5. That dog is looking a wee bit sorry for himself in his little basket jail :)

    Great to see who is jumping on board!

  6. I thought at first, with the "hue" (and the striking purple and red of the first two hats) that this was another entry on colours...

    Makes me think that next winter, if I can find enough cyclists around, I could do a Canadian version, "Toque a spin"! (A toque is a floppy pull-over knit hat which we for some reason pronounce to rhyme with 'kook'.)

  7. ohhh! do you have any pattern about this hat? i love knitting!

  8. nice coat, urban camouflage!

  9. Mikael! thank you for the kind introduction of our Belgian blog. We are up and running and slowly but surely gaining speed. Even did a first interview about the initiative, and of course, you will be mentioned :)

    see you around!
