18 February 2009

Three Shots

Text Check Snow
Checking text messages on the separated bike lanes in a light snowfall.
Two Copenhagners having a chat.
Some of the people with whom I share the bike lanes.


  1. I've always wanted to ride a bike but never learned how. I meant to start last summer and bought myself a medium-sized bike at a yard sale. Then I bought a set of training wheels plus knee and elbow pads.

    Halfway through the oval, the training wheels somehow got bent and could no longer touch the ground. I weigh 110 or so lbs and my bro-in-law said I could be too heavy for the wheels. So I tried riding without them, sadly, I would fall at every first pedal. I envied young kids who wheeled past me. Even a five-year old kid can beat me. I must say, not only am I a klutz, I'm a wuss.

    If there were sturdier wheels for adults, I would have biked at the university on two additional wheels. I'm sure I'd be laughed at, even my family laughs at the thought. It does look silly but I guess wouldn't really mind if it meant I could get around a place other than walking.

    I'm giving myself another shot this spring. It's a good thing I discovered your site and bookmarked it. How I envy these guys and gals on their bikes. Hopefully, your blog will give me some kind of motivation. :-)

  2. @ Anonymous

    It seems like modern opinion is that training wheels are not the best way to learn to bike.

    The ideal appears to be to remove the pedals from your bike, have your saddle low enough that both feet can touch the ground while you are seated, and then scoot along with your feet, or ride down a gentle grassy incline.

    This allows you to learn the balance that you need to ride a bike without having to worry about pedalling.

    Once you can successfully ride a fair distance with your feet of the ground, you can start to think about putting the pedals back on the bike and learning to pedal.

    Good luck - Bikes are great.

  3. @Anonymous:
    In my opinion training wheels are not the right way, because they teach you to lean in the wrong direction.
    I would follow the advice of the second "Anonymous" or ask a professional, e.g. a bike school (if you have something like that in your area). If nothing works there is still the option to ride a real tricycle.

  4. I agree with the tricycle! I can ride just fine and I would grab a trike if one came into my sphere in a NY minute! They are cool and your friends can ride on the back while eating popsicles!

  5. hallo mikael & cph cycle chic team!

    I've something for your guest photos, they're not mine but i think they could fit!


    best from vienna

  6. For a more high-tech approach to stabilizing the bike when learning to ride check out GyroBike. They especially market it to adults as well, it's certainly seems more discrete than training wheels.

  7. sir
    what is the rate of stolen bike during daytime and bike accidents (among bikes) during morning/evening rush hour in copenhagen

  8. there are no stats for bicycle theft during daytime. in copenhagen there are roughly 16,000 bikes stolen each year. whether it's at night or during the day is unknown.

    although experience tells me it's mostly at night when copenhagners are heading home... drunk... and they nick a bike.

    for the other stats on copenhagen, check out this City of Copenhagen website and download the Bicycle Account.
