15 January 2009

Another Glimpse Of Sun

The timing was perfect. As I passed the bridge today on my way home, we who were there, at the right time, at the right place, were granted a glimpse of the sun.
This Copenhagen girl did not even notice me as she was taken by the scenery. And due to the circumstances today, I can not resist showing you what she was looking at: (I hope you can forgive me the non-bike content.)


  1. No offense to the beautiful people of Copenhagen, but I have to say, the bay with the sun and the birds easily rivals any picture of a person on a bike - the whole scene is more beautiful for having the full view of it.

  2. Forgiven. A one of a kind.

    You're women always look good, whatever season.

  3. I want the clothes on the first photo! But the will of my bike - not the Dutchman.


  4. If only American women would see how beautiful they could look while riding a bicycle! And if more Americans of every gender realized the beauty they too could experience while riding. Stunning photos. Thanks!

  5. Nice shots, really! The first one is my favourite this month!

  6. Best two photos you have ever taken.

  7. Way off topic, but Bicycle relevant... Pumps, and not the kind you wear on your feet, the air swuish-swuish kind. With so many Bicycles, does everyone own a pump? are there air fill stations, and are they free?

    On holiday in America, it seemed as if the bicycle pump had gone extinct. After no success with the locals, I limped my bicycle to a shop and the owner would not fill my tire unless I left it there for repair $$. I was refered to the petrol station where I had to put in three coins, nearly 1 dollar for 10 seconds of air. eeergghh

  8. Beautiful photos. So nice to see what she saw! Thanks for including!

    As for anonymous and pumps...I live in Kansas City, right in the middle of the US and I must ride with a pump always or risk walking home if I flat. I do have a gas station near me with free air but this is VERY unusual. Most places charge money. In many ways we Americans are quite backwards. I hope you had a great holiday despite our lack of amenities!

  9. Your blog and pictures are so beautiful. I am never disappointed when I check in to see the day's postings. My boyfriend gave my your calendar for Christmas. The quality is superb and I love it. Please keep posting for the inspiration of many. --Julie C. in New York, NY

  10. Lars -

    Thanks for sharing both views of this shot which completes this story so nicely.

    Once again Sir, my hat is off to you - Just Awesome Shots!

    - man

  11. The scenery is gorgeous, you're 200% forgiven.

    (I'm so so soooo far from any kind of chic on my bike this winter...)

  12. Thank you all for your kind words.

    Regarding pumps: In the city people generally ride without one. You are never far from a bike shop, and normally they have free compressed air.

  13. Oh, you might like that I have added a "View large" link on all my shots at Flickr.

  14. I love Dronning Louises Bro (Queen Louise's Bridge). It's the gateway to my neighbourhood of Nørrebro and I also feel like I'm coming home when I ride across the bridge on my way home from work.
    Gourgeous picture of the view!

  15. Lars -
    Thanks for adding the View large option on Flickr,
    but it seems not to work but link to a page set to "private".

  16. Could anyone tell me what type of bike this is?

  17. that shot of the birds and the water and the fog and the city... yes i think we might have to move here.

  18. astrid... it's hard to see. it's an old bike, that's for sure. i can see that on the handlebar grips. maybe a crescent, batavus or something like that.

  19. @Man: It should work now for everybody. (Before it was just for Flickr members).

  20. Thanks again Lars (and of course Mikael for hosting this great blog)!

  21. In Portland, I think there are quite a few bike shops, and I think most of them would be willing to pump up a tire for you if you asked. Still, they aren't so dense that you might not have to walk 10 minutes to get to one. From my experience though, bike shop owners in Portland are very friendly and I'm sure they'd be happy to help you out (though that specific circumstance hasn't happened to me yet).

  22. She is hot, and you are an artist, Lars. Fantastic pics.
