11 January 2009

-15 Celcius Chic

Facing a 10 meters per second wind (20 knots) at 0 C equals a windchill factor of -15 C. Meaning that at -15 C and no wind, you would feel equally chilled.
Struggling against the wind, this young lady could not even put her leather clad hand in her pocket, as her wool hat needed assistance in order not to become airborne.
I just went for a walk. A short one. Brrrrr.

Not surprising, really, that Denmark has such a large wind power industry, given the fact that we're so windblown.


  1. brrr!
    she looks fabulous for such weather :)

  2. Anyway, great picture and the feelings behind...

  3. I feel her windy discomfort! Because San Francisco is surrounded on 3 sides by water, and is one hill after another, there is wind everywhere. So the tailwind turns into the headwind turns into the cross wind turns into there goes my skirt over my head wind!
    I have considered chin straps for my hats many times :)

  4. Facing a 40 kilometers per hour wind (20 knots) at 0 C actually equals a windchill factor of -6 C not -15 C ...

  5. according to the Danish Meteological Institute it's -15. They have a windchill calculator here. The blue box that reads Beregn kuldeindex.

  6. Thanks Mikael, that is exactly my source of information :-)
