27 November 2008

Toboggan by Bike

Long John Tobogganing
The day after the first snowfall you head invariably to a local park to catch some sliding action. Okay, you do so if you have kids, not if you scored a hot guy/girl the night before in a tequila frenzy and you just woke up in a strange bed with a hangover... then you probably don't head out to catch some sledding. Everything is relative.

But I digress... Not suffering from hangovers, my kids and I went to a local park in the morning. By Long John, of course. Above is Felix after the sledding fact, snacking on a rice cracker. Lulu, bottom right, is already sleeping. Her first meeting with snow, hills and slippery, high speed, plastic contraptions was positive and exhausting.
Nihola Sledding
All manner of slippery devices are transported to hills all over the country by all manner of bikes when the snow falls. Here's a Nihola in action in Frederiksberg Gardens.
First Ride
And here's Lulu's very first sled ride.


  1. Nice ride! She seems pretty confident for a first time.

  2. Cute! She has eyes on her outfit, it looks like in the upper photo. Or is that my imagination at work?
