24 November 2008

City Hall Square

Dreamy Copenhagen
A Copenhagener crosses Hans Christian Andersen Boulevard towards the City Hall Square. Hat and heels. Basket and scarf. And everything matches the Copenhagen blue bike lanes.
Christiania Bike Couple
A Copenhagener pedals his ladyfriend across the same intersection in their Christiania Bike.

Both photos are fine candidates for the Hat theme.

Wallpaper request fulfilled:

A couple of requests for this photo as a wallpaper came in, and here you go. 1600x1200.


  1. - First of all, thanks as always, for you blog.
    It is a daily inspiration.

    - Secondly thanks for posting larger pics. I was starting to get eyestrain with those smaller pics you had been posting lately.

    Is there away of seeing larger images on on your Flickr pages?

    - man (in San Francisco)

  2. thanks, you two. the photos posted from flickr always got cut off, so I changed the layout a bit. And a bigger, cooler banner doesn't hurt. :-)

    man... i don't have larger photos available. had too many problems with finding them elsewhere on the net... :-)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you , thank you, thank you!

    And I agree with KT, the blog looks great!
