20 November 2008

Collegiate Cruisers

An American company, The Collegiate Bicycle Company, markets cruisers for that uniquely American, tribal university crowd. You can get bikes branded for your college or your fraternity/sororiety - the latter is a concept that has always escaped me - it's all Greek to me - but at least it always looks like they have fun.

What I like best is their marketing of the products. Collegiate Cycle Chic to the max, dude - pronounced 'dood', bien sûr. Skirts and bikini tops and smiling girls on bikes. It could be any Danish beach in the summer.

The company has plans to start bike share programmes on campuses in the States, which is a brilliant idea. It must be easier to implement them on a university campus than in a bureacratic city council. They exist already but more of them will be brilliant.


  1. ohl, they are so nice for girls! its too important for us to drive pretty and confortable, kissess

  2. I don't get the concept. Unless you're riding a tour de france style bike race you don't need something like that. I bike everyday - in a skirt - and I've never felt a need for anything of the sort.

  3. Oh don't knock bloomers! Just think, if it wasn't for the bike craze at the end of the 19th Century, women would probably still be stuck in hobbling skirts. That's one piece of cycling-specific clothing I'm grateful for. Skirts are all very well as a choice, but it's nice to have the option

  4. maybe its just me, but those girls seem like the epitome of ditzy, whorish american sorority girls depicted in movies. otherwise i approve of the idea.

  5. CC and TM:

    The bloomers are not bloomers (look up the term), they are panties. Underwear. They are intended to be worn UNDER a skirt or shorts.

    I wear something similar which allows me to go on long rides wearing jeans without any bother from seams and chafing, but lets me stop at a diner and look "normal."

    You can do it for about $20 mail order if you're willing to suffer black stitching instead of "fashion" stitching.

    The fabric of the skirts is both "highly technical" and from FRANCE. Oooooooh, be still my little geeky fashionista heart.

    They are also made in the USA.

    Houston? We have a Double Think.

    If you are beginning to think my posts here overlong, just wait until I get around to writing about why 30 years ago serious cyclists, particularly the racer crowd, sneered at nylon and polyester but now sneer at anything else; and where the term "technical" came from as applied to fabric.

    But I'll give you the short version now:

    DuPont Marketing.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Suddenly cycling is the last thing on my mind. Surely thats not the intention of the marketing team? lol

    Perhaps they'd look better in some dashing cycling tops...

  8. I wonder if the college girls are wearing the $125 (!!!!!!!!!) underwear? Who has $125 panties for anything other than a wedding night? Must be skinny girls if they only come up to a size 10. Although, it is nice to see someone at least thinking of active, bike clothing is not blinding in its reflective and chromatic qualities.

  9. Adrienne,
    I do understand your concerns. Being a small company our prices reflect an idealistic approach to manufacturing where we use the highest quality materials available and have the products made in the most socially responsible fashion. It is difficult to compete in a Made in China consumer world, I do agree. That said, for the month of the June I am offering them at cost, $50 to see if the interest at this price point is worth cutting corners to accommodate the value shoppers. http://www.my-alibi.com
    as for sizing we are hoping to be able to expand through size 16 by Spring 2010. Thanks for your concerns. Abbie

  10. Awesome! I love Copenhagen and all, but _this_ is how you get people to bike in the USA.
