30 September 2008

Ode To A Bicycling America

What I wore annnnd ze new bicyclette!
Atlanta, Georgia - by San Smith - check out her blog!

The very, very best thing about this blog - and the other one - is the people we've met. It's a pleasure to cybermeet like-minded individuals who share our love of personal style, fashion and bicycles. In that order.
Birthday Date
Santa Monica, California - by Madness Riviera.
We get so many lovely guest photos sent in or added to our Flickr group so why just chuck a little montage up with photos from a few of our American friends.

Fashion-wise there will always be differences in style on both sides of the pond, but we're loving what our friends and acquaintences are doing for Bicycle Chic in America.
Venice Beach, California
I lived in L.A. for a while back in the late-80's and every weekend was spent either surfing or hanging at the beach. Venice Beach was a favourite spot. Even back then Venice Beach was bicycle heaven. Some good things never change.

New York:
NYC Bicycle Commuter, 5th Ave. @ 58th St. NYC Bicycle Commuter, West Side Greenway @ 72nd St.
La la
You know cycling has arrived [or rather returned] when the citizens of big cities get into the saddle. First Paris and now New York. Sure, it is far from perfect, but it's happening. And when it happens in cities like Paris and New York, it will spread. Wonderful.
Read our series about Paris for more info about the rebirth of their bike culture.

Seattle & Portland:
Seattle Velocoture white electra and heels

Sacramento, California:
Amanda's other whip.

Thanks for all the photos. There are so many more and we'll keep posting the, but for now this is our Ode to a Bicycling America.


  1. Well now I know that either the US economy has really taken a dive, or cycling is about to become so mainstream that everyone who's anyone just has to be seen doing it:

    Isn't that first one from New York a photo of Donald Trump riding a delivery bike?

  2. And some of us in the US, surprisingly!, have been riding all our lives. We just need help from the government to help us with better lanes and roads and upholding the rights. Wish us luck!

  3. Yeah, finally Atlanta gets on Copenhagen Cycle Chic. I still wear a helmet though - got to deal with unruly drivers round these parts!

  4. "And when it happens in cities like Paris and New York, it will spread. Wonderful."

    There can be exceptions, as well - the small-ish city of Davis, CA has the highest number of bikes per capita in the USA. It's a perfect example of what CCC talks about - there's no lycra or carbon bikes, the city just built grade-separated bike lanes and all the normal people and college kids started using them.

    Fantastic old photo on their site, too: http://daviswiki.org/Bicycling

  5. thanks for the comments.
    yes, it looks like Trump doesn't it?!

    marije... i agree... there are many small pockets of bike culture but my point was merely that things always kick off big time when it becomes mainstream in large, world-class cities.

    it's just an observation. the big cities set the trends, even if the trends started somewhere else.

  6. Here in the Tampa Bay area of FL, I am noticing more cyclists than in years past. And yes, it probably is because out economy is struggling.

    Maybe there's work in in though- we desperately need more bike lanes! They are few and far between.

    But the chic-er we look riding, the more the riding will be noticed, right? ;-)

  7. Hey! Thanks for posting my pic! Glad it brought you some California Dreamin'!

  8. the chic'er the better, in my opinion!

    kt... my pleasure.
