25 September 2008

Copenhagen Irony and Black and Creme

Ahh. Life's ironies. Elegant, casual cyclist on a safe, separate bike lane cycles past a poster reading "Put the pedal to the metal and keep it there... Action Night on Channel 3+..."

While skirtguards - or the more unisex 'coat protectors' as we call them in Danish - are a splendid idea, most modern skirts don't really require them. Ironic. But they remain aesthetic additions to any bicycle.

Cigarette girl 1
Black and Creme Perfection Collection from Lars. Smashing ensemble in classic Copenhagen style. Black outfit and then a creme-coloured; bicycle, bow in her hair, handbag in the basket, shoes, edges of the black bag on the back and a cigarette.

Purple on Purple
Many of our American readers were curious as to what I thought about riding Yahoo's purple Electra Townie. I must say it's a nice ride. The balloon wheels are a treat, but I'm addicted to them already from riding my Velorbis Scrap Deluxe. The Townie is smooth and comfortable. There are a whole bunch of gears that will never see the light of day but it is definately a cooler bike than I feared they would send.

The only thing I don't like is the beach cruiser posture of sitting farther back and pedalling down and away from my body. I like sitting higher up and pushing downwards, but that is personal taste. The purple colour doesn't go with anything I own, but that is something I can live with for the duration of Yahoo's campaign.

Also, the beach cruiser is popular at the moment - but mostly among the female 12-16 year old demographic, so I get lots of stares from young girls. Not a bad thing for the male ego.

Unfortunately, the camera has a software bug and Yahoo are fedexing a new one over to me so more photos will be on the way shortly.


  1. that first pictures is great!!!

    I loved copenhagen!!! you can see it here

    I added you to my links


  2. Purple is very fashionable this autumn. But for a man, and anyone over girl-on-beach-cruiser age, I'd suggest a somewhat more muted, greyed-down violet. Nice cachmere scarf...

    I don't like the beach cruiser posture either. My old six-speed ladies' Raleigh Sprite (basic black) isn't quite a classic sit-up-and-beg, but almost.

    My word verification code this time is Stazj. At least it isn't Stasi, but a tad creepy.

  3. Love the black and cream ensemble. As a matter of interest, from the fashioista point of view, does the cigarette add to the chic, or detract from it?

  4. aaaah. the pleasure of smoking on a bike. so Danish, too! i now crave for a Prince.

  5. Purple is alarmingly hot this autumn.
    So says my Stazj connections.

    dave: the cigarette is either or. 30-40% of the western world are smokers, so it's not like it's a strange thing. it the eyes of a cycle chic fashionista, however, it's cool because it shows that cycling in european cities is transport. a casual activity that serves a practical purpose.
