20 September 2008

Copenhagen Cycle Chic Goes Global Again

A few times a year there are posh Style Lounges held in the States in conjunction with major events. In this case it was the "Kari Feinstein Emmy Style Lounge" that the Beautiful People attended in the run-up to the Emmy Awards. Velorbis had their classic Victoria and Churchill present and were pleased to have been invited. The Dutch Bicycle Company attended, as the American distributor for the Danish brand. Danish Design always seems to travel well and mix with the right crowd.

We are well chuffed about being invited to take part in this year's EuroBike industry fair in Germany, as a part of Velorbis' stand, pictured above. Thanks to Velorbis for letting me design the back wall - on the right. 4 x 2.5 metres of pure Cycle Chic, printed on gorgeous fabric. It should have made the trip over the Atlantic to hang at the above Style Lounge, but logistics were against us.

"People are Handsome, We make their Bicycles." That is the slogan of "Handsome Cycles" in Minneapolis, USA. Splendid slogan. Splendid photo.

And the Dutch, bless their cotton socks, are at it again. Trying desparately to play catch up in the Cycle Chic Sweepstakes. Like other thieves and beggars whom we love madly. I think this might be a inflight magazine, but I'm not sure.

Then there is this article from the Canadian National Post, rounding up the whole Cycle Chic movement. Nice to see that normal people in normal clothes is slowly, surely becoming the norm.


  1. Bike and fashion is really a confirmed, secular combination, which you so well bring here in your blog. Congratulations, again, and greetings from a Yellow/golden Edmonton, AB in bright sun!

  2. Alright, I've HAD with you(r snarks)! :-p

    Show me your national cycle statistics, dear friend, show me! Then I'll show you who's actually trying to catch up! heh

    *Cycling my way to retirement*


  3. Mikael,

    I'm confused about the Velorbis company. You mentioned the company is a "Danish brand," but is there anything really Danish about them?

    Velorbis has a UK web address so I assume the company is headquartered there. And the bikes are made or assembled in Germany with components sourced from Asia. Maybe are the designers Danish?

  4. you love i love you, marky marc.

    velorbis is danish. i visit their head office for coffee every couple of weeks. it's here in copenhagen. My mate Kenneth, the owner together with Chris, is danish and there is little doubt that it is Danish Design. The bikes are manufactured in Germany - it says on their website Danish Design, Made in Germany.

    Asian parts? Not at all. I'm going to the factory next month to shoot a 'making of' video and there are a couple of small components on the bikes that are from asia, but otherwise it's all European. a rarity in this globalised world.

    you can't judge a company by their web address. they have .com, .dk, .co.uk.

  5. this month's american Vogue magazine has a whole two pages of stylish ladies on alternative transport (skateboards, and lots of bikes) wearing designer duds. it really, really reminded me of this blog, as in someone from Vogue reads your fab blog.

  6. Just read the "Stilettos on wheels" article.
    Wrong information is in the piece. In it, it attributes Stateside(USA) bicycle/cycle chic best blogs as belonging to first UrbanCycleChic and then the Satorialist.
    UrbanCycleChic is based Hackney/London! plus has only been around a few short months.
    As far as the Sartorailist he has maybe a dozen or so bicycle photos, not exactly dedicated.
    Come on!

  7. riding pretty... i know, the article is not well researched. it also attributes articles on copenhagenize.com to other blogs. very strange.

    thanks, second story! send us scans!

  8. It deserves to be noted, that the handsome front rack on the Handsome bicycle was designed and built by this gentleman. He's right up your alley and deserves credit for it.

    Great post as always.
