24 September 2008


Sometimes you just have to coin a phrase to make sense of things, to give them a description that works. 'Cycle chic' regarding cycling style made sense when we invented it last year. The cycling women of Italy, however, deserve their own phrase.
Above, in Milano, by Amenove.
Cicloeleganza in Milano
Another example from Milano, also by Amenove.

The miss and her bike

And in Pisa, by John.

It Rains

Cremona - Choose Style Over Speed


  1. Magnifico!

    (That IS Italian isn't it?)

    John's photo from Pisa is truly classic.

    Martin, Melbourne

  2. Che bello, bambini! Pura eleganza.
    Thanks for posting. There you have a nice art de vivre, eh?
    Gretings from Edmonton

  3. Strepitoso! Not that I don't like the Nordic blond(e)s usually gracing this site, but glad to see some belle brune (e belli bruni)...

    Hmm, not all parts of Italy have such an admirable art de vivre as the photos let on. If Ferrara and some of the other cities of the Po are little-known everyday-cycling capitals, alas postwar Italian engineering favoured the develoment of autostrade and the proliferation of cars rather than trains, and much city life is far too car-centred, despite the admirable climate for year-long cycling (as long as you avoid hot summer afternoons, but that is what siestas are for).

    I'm bemused by the older woman with the bright red hair. A lot of us boomers whose hair was pure black or dark brown when we were young add a bit of red to it, so as not to look too severe by dyeing it black, but it would take quite a lot of nerve to carry off such a colour! The clothes match too.

  4. I love the pic of the pink girl/bike form Ravena.

  5. Inspired by your post, I've just created cicloeleganza.com. Any contribution is more than welcome!

  6. don't know if I should smile or call a lawyer for copyright infringment... :-)
