6 August 2008

Spectactular and Spectactors plus Guest Photos

Spectator Cycling
The Tour of Denmark bicycle race wrapped up in our neighbourhood last week. We blogged about it over at Copenhagenize.com. All the streets were closed off but the bike lanes remained open during the day as the riders did 10 laps through the neighbourhood before crossing the finish line.

Throughout the race cyclists pedalled past. Some stopped when the racers flew by, but many didn't even raise an eyebrow. There were many people lining the streets in the sunshine and there were many bicyclists to watch. It was truly style over speed all day long.


Copenhagen Cycle Chic Goes Global - Guest photos from Basque Country
One of our regular readers, Humberto from Lisbon, travelled up to Basque Country for a concert and he took a series of cycle chic photos from San Sebastian and Bilbao. We just had to add them today. Thanks, Humberto!

While we'd like to take out a patent on chic cycling in Copenhagen, it is worth remembering that according to the European Cyclists' Federation there are 100 million daily cyclists in Europe. Normal people on normal bikes doing normal things. As Humberto's photos attest.

Copenhagen cycle chic in Boston
Thanks to our reader Marcie in Boston who sent us this cycle chic link from Boston.com.
The caption on the website shows that normal people in normal clothes is not yet run of the mill in American cities: "BPD Tactical Bicycle Unit members were somewhat amused by the foot gear Jessica Foster wore as she joined in the event and pedaled in from Brookline."

But Marcie does her bit to spread the good word:
"Since my daily cycling only requires only a leisurely 3 km to the T in Boston, I never considered putting on special clothes or even casual attire to make my commute. I am going from point A to point B and will barely break a sweat, why do I need to forgo my business suit? When I found your blog, not only have I found an excellent advocate of like mind, but also someone who provides beautiful photos to remind me of my short sojourn in Copenhagen years ago."


  1. I so wish I could forgo the athletic gear on my ride to work! I have an 8-mile trek which includes two steep hills and a .6-mile gravel road complete with log and gravel trucks literally leaving me in the dust. So I have to wear junky clothes, but I long to be able to wear nice clothes on my bike!!


  2. Yes, in America, adults don't merely ride a bike, they "go cycling". And so you must suit up. I liken it to skiing - it's considered a recreational activity that requires you to purchase the whole package: sporty clothing, safety gear, and expensive equipment.

    In my home town, I have noticed a slowly growing number of adults riding upright bikes, mostly older 3-speeds, to the subway, dressed in office attire. But still that is very much the minority. Most of our bike commuters dress like they are in the Tour de France, and wear a backpack or messenger bag to hold their change of clothing.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Do you want some pictures from New york of bicycle riders? I could sent you some if you want, at least of myself and my girlfriend.

    - T


  5. It's good to see the Basque Country represented on this website. Cities like San Sebastian and Vitoria are trying to develop their own bike cultures. Thank you.


  6. megan: how can athletic clothes possibly help you on that ride? can't you just wear regular clothes and change into work clothes when you get there?

    wearing a skirt will make those logging and gravel trucks slow down! :-)

    indeed, robbo. normal people on normal bikes, please.

    my pleasure, gorko. although humberto was the mastermind behind the photos.

    mostemailed: all guest photos are welcome

  7. If you follow the links in the Boston article (if you haven't done so already) you will find the "10 tips for cyclists" link. You will there see the reference for the need for specific clothes for riding. This mentality followed by what is confirmed on the League of American Bicyclist as far as clothing/materials needed for biking:
    are all part of the reasons it so hard to change the culture the current bike culture in the US.

    I live in the US, currently in San Francisco and previously in LA, and despite everything we have a long way to go her in the US unfortunately.
