12 August 2008

A Hub of Copenhagen Cyclists

A Hub of Copenhagen Cyclists
We coined this phrase a while back, for fun. There is a long line of interesting names for animal flocks in English like:
- A leash of greyhounds
- A gaggle of geese
- An exaltation of larks
- A shrewdness of apes
- A troop of kangaroos
- A parliament of owls
- A siege of herons
- A crash of rhinoceri

Val - The King of Kargo Bikes in Seattle - and I played a little game in the comments about what else we could come up with.

He brought two great ones to the table:
- A pallet of cargo bikes
- A lounge of recumbents

I came up with:
- A cove of beach cruisers
- A sweat of racing bikes
- A posture of Dutch/Danish bikes
- A load of Xtra cycles

Let's play! Any other amusing ideas? Post a comment. Ooh! I have one!
- A elevation of high-heeled Copenhagen cyclists...


This just in on the comments page:
Jason brilliantly proposes these:

A tower of tall bikes
A cog of fixed gear bikes
A trick of BMXers
A basket of townies
A cubby of folding bikes
A tred of mountain bikes
A convoy on commuter bikes
A union of unicycles

Steve proposes:
A bank of velodrome bikes.

Keep them coming!

A warm morning smile at the photographer chap taking photos/filming footage of the rush hour.

Violin Speed
Are you exceptionally slow if a violin player overtakes you? Perhaps. Do you care? Unlikely.


  1. How about:

    A tower of tall bikes
    A cog of fixed gear bikes
    A trick of BMXers
    A basket of townies
    A cubby of folding bikes
    A tred of mountain bikes
    A convoy on commuter bikes
    A union of unicycles

    Love your site BTW.

  2. A bank! Ha, I was tring to think of one for track bikes. Good one.

  3. I love 'em! But the only one I'd like to change would be...

    A dune of beach cruisers

    or (thanks to a thesaurus)

    A crinkle/crease/collapse (pick one) of folding bikes

    I was in a might crinkle of folding bikes this past May in NYC's "Folds Up" bicycle ride!

  4. A huddle of hybrids
    A rash of roadies
    A melee of mountain bikes
    A paraphernalia of tandems
    A trundle of trailer bikes

  5. Oh, all right; how about:
    A huck of freeriders
    A shuttle of downhillers
    A runup of cyclocrossers
    or is that
    A splatter of cyclocrossers?
    Maybe some 'crosser out there can decide. Val

  6. haha... all very cool.

    a pull of bike trailers
    a wobble of cycling toddlers
    a double of tandems
    a follow of keirins
    an intensity of time trialists

  7. A mudbath of mountain bikes. At least here in the UK

  8. I know that you would! Please keep on sharing your life and times with us, you are the quintessential girly-girl role model!
    Cruiser Bikes
