9 June 2008

The World's Most Liveable City - Copenhagen

Always the bridesmaid... finally the bride. Copenhagen is ranked as the world's most liveable city by the bespoke magazine Monocle this year. Munich, last year's winner, was bumped down to number two. Monocle has been my favourite magazine for ages, now I love them just a little bit more.
Late Evening Light
Cyclist illuminated by Late Evening Light.
Apart from the traditional scientific and statistical parameters like cost of living, schools and health care, etc, the judges have taken quality of life aspects like lifestyle, design and culture into consideration.

Copenhagen is praised for its attention to environmental causes, it's rich design culture, a fantastic food culture, the swimmingly clean harbour, the city's many green areas, the Metro, the architecture and the use of bicycles. Then there are the many Michelin-starred restaurants and coffee bars and - according to Monocle - the many beautiful people who ride their bikes everywhere and recycle their garbage. See... it's NOT just us!
Musicians in Silhouette
Two musicians ride along the harbour in the sunset.
Tyler Brûlé - the editor of Monocle and Wallpaper* is behind the Quality of Life Survey. He describes the Urban Manifesto for what makes a liveable city in an article on the International Herald Tribune's website. Here's the IHT's entry on Copenhagen last year, in light of our second place ranking.
Interiors: Dining Room
Interior of Copenhagen Flat.
I'm going to take this opportunity to link to some of my photos that DON'T feature bicyles so you can take a little online promenade through Copenhagen:
Danish Architecture Photos
The Copenhagen Colour Street
Copenhagen People in Black and White
[Yes, I actually do take photos of other subject matter...]

Halvandet Bar
Copenhageners at a beach bar - Halvandet - on the harbour.

The Top 20 for 2008 according to Monocle:
1. Copenhagen/København
2. Munich // 3. Tokyo // 4. Zürich // 5. Helsinki // 6. Vienna // 7. Stockholm // 8. Vancouver // 9. Melbourne // 10. Paris // 11.Sydney // 12. Honolulu // 13. Madrid // 14. Berlin // 15. Barcelona // 16. Montréal // 17. Fukuoka // 18. Amsterdam // 19. Minneapolis // 20. Kyoto

Operabike Intersection Table Flats Tietgens Hall of Residence Interiors: Table Sans Meeting

Lightplay Harbour Canal Colour Rent SAS Royal Hotel

Via: DR & Politiken.dk


  1. My parents are Danish. I have never quite forgiven them for coming over here to live in Australia where they had their children. We were always first generation Australians - which left us all feeling as though we were from another planet. When I finally made a trip to Denmark for the first time, I felt as though I had come home. Thank you for your lovely post.

  2. British towns and cities conspicuous by their absence.

    Why am I not surprised...

  3. you're welcome, linda. thanks for sharing that.

    westfield... when you YOU coming 'home'?

  4. Congratulations Copenhagen. I am tres jealous!

    Am curious about that Minneapolis entry there. How liveable is a city where 3/4 of the yearis spent in complete snowed-in arctic misery?

  5. I am so jealous! Here is San Diego, CA, USA we don't even come close. I lived in Portland, OR and miss it so much for many of the reasons Copenhagen is rated most livable--but oh, the rain! It's too much. I am planning a trip to your fair city soon :)

  6. Relief: Melbourne beat Sydney - that's all that matters. ;o)

    Martin (Melbourne)

  7. Zakka wrote westfield... when you YOU coming 'home'?

    I wish!

    30 or even 20 years ago I might have been in with a chance, but I doubt that Denmark would allow me to be a resident now - even if I could afford it.

    As for a visit - oh yes! Definitely on the cards, but not for this year. Research shows that the best costs money, so, it's pencilled in for next year.

    As for "home" - well my family origins are from the eastern side of the British Isles (the Danelaw and all that), so I like to imagine myself as descending from the Viking invaders/settlers rather than Alfred's lot. :-)

    Be seeing you...

  8. Thanks, everyone.
    Maybe the coffee is REALLY good in Minneapolis... but i choose to think it's your Scandinavian heritage... :-)

    Shanna... the climate here is basically the same as in Portland. But I read that many factors are in play, including direct international flights and things like that.

    Martin... you DO like competing! Although I'll back you on this one. I've lived in Melbourne - twice, actually - and Sydney is always the bridesmaid to Melbourne's bride.

    Westfield... look at it this way... even the lot that came over from Normandy [land of the Northmen] with William the Conquerer were of Viking descent, so you're a viking no matter how you look at it.
    Looking forward to your return. :-)

  9. Its only about 6 months out of the year. And believe it or not, there are more than 10,000 of us that ride to work/for leisure year round. Including when temps drop to -15F and lower. I would explain the "wind chill factor" but I think that temp will drive the point home.

    And the coffee IS really good here.

  10. I'm not sure how Sydney creeped up to number 11, with it's traffic and bleak lifeless suburbs, but nevermind. They must have ignored 80% of the city. I'd say the same is probably true for a lot of those other cities - certain areas are amazingly liveable, and others are definitely not.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Minneapolis is an interesting city with a surprising amount of cycling infrastructure. It is also home to the ABCE Tour that in itself should be worth a few points ;-) coffee and brews are both excellent. Winter weather does leave a bit to be desired...


  13. Thanks for the nice post. I agree that what you say is very true and I am proud to be living in Copenhagen.

  14. The ABCE tour IS minneapolis! :-)

    pleased to hear it, ajish! me, too.

  15. que envidia de ciudad tienen, espero aqui en guadaajara jaisco mexico agun dia sea igual e uso de la bicicleta.

  16. gracias! i wish you all the best for guadalajara!

  17. I worked hard to defend Minneapolis while living out west in the mountains, though I did question moving back to one of the coldest winters on record! However, the people are wonderful and the spring/summer/falls are tough to beat (even if they are a bit shorter than desired).

    That being said, I'm ecstatic to be visiting Copenhagen very soon!! That will be the true test!

  18. u guys are lucky .... i live in jakarta, indonesia and the traffic is crap, the crappest traffic u could ever imagine in the world and guess wat i still ride my bicyle everyday everywhere just to avoid getting stucked in thousands of cars and motorcycles... followed with crap air due to high pollution resulted from the crap traffic......*sigh

  19. Congratulations... hopefully Toronto can learn... top 10 would be nice one day..
