16 May 2008

Cycle Chic pour hommes

We're getting ready to wrap up our love affair with Paris and Les Vélibs this week. There are a couple of things left, however. Firstly, some photos of les hommes doing their casual thang in the French capital.
Vélo Hommes - Cycling Chaps in Paris
Fly by.
Vélo Hommes - Cycling Chaps in Paris
Still going strong. And I just love his driving gloves.
Vélo Hommes - Cycling Chaps in Paris
Le shopping.
Vélo Hommes - Cycling Chaps in Paris
Any bike will do. Even if you have to borrow it. :-)
Vélo Hommes - Cycling Chaps in Paris
And then there's this chappie. Zipping along the Seine on his [what are they called?], casually smoking a cigarette. Tres cool. Trop cool.


  1. "It's not a bike, it's a Segway, baby, a Segway." :)

  2. Ugh, a Segway is not tres cool. Here in DC, you see group tours of the city using Segways for tourists who seem too fat and lazy to walk or bike!

  3. @anonymous

    you're right, I saw the same Segway tourist tour phenomenon a few summers ago, but no more. I guess a few accidents (cobble stones) must have convinced them to retire. :)

  4. With Segways STARTING at $3,000, they are a major ripoff. I can outpace the silly things on my old $50 3-speed bike without even breaking a sweat.

  5. Yup...Segway...keeps lazy people lazy. They are top speed restricted to 12.5mph (20kph) They are interesting and I can see where the technology could be used to assist someone who is physically incapable of riding a bike...but for an able bodied person.. phhhht!


  6. Oh and limited range too...about 20-40 kilometres IIRC.


  7. I'm impressed! I never imagined Paris like that. I love Copenhagen for the bike culture. I am begining to love Paris for is growing cycle chic bike culture. WOW!
