27 April 2008

Guest Photos from Washington State

Guest Photo from Derek from bikerubbish.com
Here are some more splendid photos from one of our regular contributors - about time we calld him a foreign correspondant - Derek, from Washington State. Check him out at bikerubbish.com. Thanks for the photos, Derek! Keep spreading the Cycle Chic.
Guest Photo from Derek from bikerubbish.com
Guest Photo from Derek from bikerubbish.com


  1. Haha i love it! Someone I see everyday on my way to school, here in England, manages to get 6 kids onto a trailer bike for the school run!

    x Celeste

  2. mmmh, kind of not too safe for the kid you would think.

  3. the kid looks like he is sitting perfectly and comfortably. what a lovely way to ride.

  4. Don't worry, the safety of our nephews are number 1 with us. After seeing the setup in person - how safe it actually is and how much fun the kids have riding back there, even the most disaster fearing moms give in :)
