13 March 2008

Rainy Season

I was on my way to the post office yesterday and saw yet another funky, colourful raincoat brightening up the wet bike lane. Complete with a bandana as a scarf. Has the peasant chic look returned?

She walked a bit, then stopped to chat. Walked on a bit, stopped again. Must have been a good conversation.

I was heading to the library that day. It may be interesting to know that an important part of our concept with this blog is that we only take photos when we ourselves are heading somewhere on our bikes. Virtually every shot is taken while we are going to work, the supermarket, the post office, a bar, what have you. We don't make any effort to go out looking for shots. This serves to underline how chictastic the bike lanes of Copenhagen are, as well as how many bikes there are here.

If you know Copenhagen, you can almost figure out where I go for meetings or which route Aaron takes to work.

Some of you may have noticed we have set up an online boutique. So many of you have asked for t-shirts, posters of some of the photos and stickers that we whipped up some designs.

We chose Café Press because they have a bigger selection of goods but also because they are located in the States. Most of our readers are from 'over there' so it is easier for them to order stuff. And for our readers in the EU the dollar is so fantastically low that the prices are lower than if we opened an online boutique 'over here'. The low dollar also means we don't earn that much but if it buys us a café latte once in a while, we're happy.

For those of you who have ordered stickers, we would LOVE to see photos of them on your bikes or your lamppost or wherever you stick them. Photos of cycle chic t-shirts, too!

If you have any requests for prints/posters or would like a certain design on a t-shirt not in the boutique, we're happy to take requests.
Copenhagen Cycle Chic online boutique is now open

A sudden and intense hail slash sleet storm swept through town yesterday. Here's some Copenhagen cyclists just getting on with it.
All Hail Springtime All Hail Springtime

And when the wind chill takes the temperature down to freezing, it's important to dress warmly. Like this Copenhagener. She's wearing gloves.
Freezing Point


  1. The first photo looks like a pyjama, simply and casual!!
    And congratulations for your shop on line!!

  2. did some one get blown off their bike? there s someone laying on the ground with their bike on the right side of the photo....
    girlsonbikes is the best blog ever, by the way

  3. Where is that glove picture taken?

    Anders / singlespeed.dk

  4. it has been windy here, so tipped over bikes are everywhere.

    the glove photo is on Falkonér plads in Frederiksberg
