9 March 2008

Elevation Nation

Click on the photo to see it larger over at Flickr.
"It's all so modest, gentle, dreamy. One is in a new, floating situation and it feels as though you're halfway to becoming a spirit that is about to leave the surface of the earth.

One can see over everyones' heads and because of that one is lifted up in an mood of calm and romantic elevation."
Johannes Wulff -'Paa cykle' - 1930

As ever, it's the comments and the emails we get that make it all worthwhile. We're loving this little community and the people we've met. We've included a number of our favourite bits of feedback in this post. Just simple comments on a post like this one are so wonderful to read:

"Hurray! As one who rides her bike to work in Houston wearing dresses, black suede boots and anything else imaginable, I salute you. Thank you for showing that riding a bike to work doesn't have to be a big deal."

We're not saying that the ONLY way to ride is in stylish clothes - some people prefer it differently - but there are so many people out there who WANT to ride in normal clothes and if we can inspire that, we're content. Thanks for being here, whoever you are.

Another study in that fascinating moment when a cyclist pushes off, propels themself forward, gaining momentum enough to settle into the saddle, feet seeking out the pedals instinctively, accelerating away.
The Moment We've All Been Waiting For
Here's another Acceleration Moment.

And as we can see the cyclist above has been shopping, we remembered this post over at our sister blog about how Cyclists are Better Shoppers than Motorists. Worth a read.

Copenhagen Cycle Chic online boutique is now open


  1. "We're not saying that the ONLY way to ride is in stylish clothes"

    Lovely, this is exactly what I wanted to hear! I guess it was silly of me to interpret you otherwise, but one of the many great things about bicycles and cycling is that everyone can do it just the way the want (if they are considerate to other road users!). It's liberating in that way.

    I've met people who look down on those who don't cycle in their particular sanctioned way, which is really just sad. Some bikes are nicer than other bikes, especially if you consider their intended purpose. But I like to imagine that there is no such thing as a crappy bike.

    I love your blog, your Copenhagen bike culture, and everything you are doing to spread the word!

  2. Personally, I prefer it when cyclists don't dress like rejected comic book superheroes.

    They always seem to look uncomfortable and unhappy... and it's damn hard to look unhappy on a bike unless you work at it.

  3. It's what we've being saying all along, really.

    Although if I had to CHOOSE, I'd prefer everyone to ride with people wearing their normal clothes.

    Unfortunately there are many divisions within cycling, particulary among commuters.

    Normalising urban cycling - which we have done in Copenhagen - is the ultimate goal.

    When that happens, lycra largely disappears. All by itself. People will stop wearing this uniform and just get down to riding.
