14 February 2008

Multitasking Cargo Mum

Multitasking Cargo Mum, originally uploaded by [Zakkaliciousness].

Complete with trendy heels, this mum was enjoying a cigarette and chatting on her mobile while waiting for the light to change so she could propel her Christiania bike forward through the intersection.


  1. Multitasking yes, but in my books she cops a 2-point style deduction for leaving the plastic bag on the saddle. It's easy enough to just stuff it up under the saddle or put it in the basket or something...

    Just something about bags immediately below bottoms. Perhaps it recalls those horses that pull tourists on buggies in city streets everywhere. They have bags in that vicinity .... although for good reason.

    Call me sensitive, but I call 'em as I see 'em!

  2. He leido en variadas ocaciones que los habitantes de amsterdam fuman y andan en bici. siempre crei que las dos eran mutuamente excluyentes.

  3. i agree about the bag. although horses here poop on the street. but that's a story for another blog.

  4. anon: i'm sure it's the same in amsterdam as here in copenhagen. everything goes hand in hand with biking.

  5. I've read on various occasions that the residents of Amsterdam smoke while riding their bicycles. I always thought that the two were mutually exclusive.

    That's what anonymous wrote.

    The bill is in the mail.

  6. I have one of these trikes and it is one of the best things I ever purchased. I am not much for stuff but it is a godsend. Plus really nicely built and attractive.

    - Tanya from Portland

  7. thanks for the translation, deepbluesea. don't send the bill here.

    christiania bikes are cool. yes, indeed.
