5 February 2008

Guest Photo: Portland and San Francisco

Generally, we just think it's cool to have a blog onto which we can chuck photos that we would have taken anyway. We love that we have many viewers. It's such a laugh and we love the regulars who we have gotten to know over the past seven or so months.

But what really tickles us pink is that we now have a Foreign Correspondant! Our good friend Patrick from Portland has taken up the gauntlet and endevours to do what he can to record cycle chic and bike culture in that faraway exotic place called Portland.

Here's his latest reportage.

"Hello Mikael, It's Patrick from Portland with a bit of winter cycling here. Capturing cycle chic in winter is tricky: I see so many folks bundled up in their safety yellow rain gear that I'm not ready when a good photo opportunity rolls by.

This is the best shot I've gotten in months so I thought I'd share it with you. The color combos are a bit garish, but sometimes this grey world can use a little Gaudi.

Here's to the warm months in our future! -Patrick"

Thanks, Patrick! Always a pleasure to feel the Portland pulse through your sure and steady trigger finger.

While we're at it, here's another quick guest photo from Kristin in San Francisco:

"I find your blog incredibly inspirational for us Americans who tend to be not-so-cycle-friendly. However, SF is a great city for cycling! I caught this girl biking in a vintage mini, tights and cowboy boots on Friday evening in San Francisco's Mission District, with her basket filled with groceries, riding home with her boyfriend, probably off to cook supper".
Thanks for thinking of us, Kirstin! We look forward to more photos from San Fran!


  1. Excellent guest photos, nicely done! It's good for us New Yorkers to see how it's done out west!

  2. i applaude the use of a bike helmet, however i hate the look of them. i've been wearing a skateboarding helmet which is retro-looking and round- still protects the noggin' but looks a bit fresher than those silly aerodynamics caps.... great photos however. loving it.

  3. hehe tomorrow at 2045 ET I will land at JFK! I hope to see many girls on Bike down there in NYC!
    I was told this is the fashion week period.

    BTW the Portland photo deserves a special mention.. her bike and her style are outstanding and revealing.


  4. Hi:

    Very Nice blog



  5. thanks for all the comments.
    kulbe... take photos!
