27 February 2008

Copenhagen Cycle Chic Goes to Stockholm

Stockholm Cycle Chic18
We are not content with merely providing a portrait of Copenhagen Cycle Chic. Where possible, we snap shots of cycle chic in other European cities. This time Stockholm. It's a groovy town, no doubt about it. Similar to Copenhagen in many ways. While the number of cyclists is nothing like Copenhagen, there are wonderful bike lanes throughout town and the cyclists you see are just getting on with it. Regular clothes, no fancy gear. Just using their bike for transport.

It's quite a hilly town but it was pleasing that this was of little concern to the cyclists. Up they went, putting a bit of extra muscle into it.
Stockholm Cycle Chic01

Stockholm Cycle Chic02

Stockholm Cycle Chic04

Stockholm Cycle Chic06 Stockholm Cycle Chic16 Stockholm Cycle Chic13 Stockholm Cycle Chic03


  1. Rain, hills, and sharing the road with buses, normal day-to-day life in the enlightened, civilised end of Europe.

    Rain, hills, and sharing the road with buses, normal excuses NOT to cycle in less developed areas of Europe - notably a large offshore island at the top left hand corner.

  2. What, Greenland? :-)
    [given that Greenland is Danish, they probably have more bikes that in the UK...]:-)
