28 January 2008

Correct crossing

Most riders don't bother dismounting when using the zebra crossings, but this girl is obeying the letter of the law. It's risky though as the police like nothing better than handing out 500DKK fines (about 100USD) if they catch you. Unless you're my girlfriend that is. She always manages to talk her way out of it somehow.


  1. Wait...girlfriend? Your last post said wife?

  2. Different person posted, Mox :-)

  3. And your respective partners are cool with your pastime of photographing girls (from behind)on bikes? I guess Denmark's a pretty broadminded place.

    PS I think that this is a great blog - it realy is possible to lead a life without lycra and ride a bike.

  4. ar, yeah, they're cool with it! they think we're slightly bonkers, but in a good way!
