6 December 2007

Guest Photo[s]: Jersey City & Nancy, France

A big thank you to two our of readers. Firstly, Kathleen in Jersey City, who sent the above photo of herself and a good friend. Let's let Kathleen say it best:

"At home in Jersey City, across the river from New York, I ride my bicycle to work at my antique clothing shop and also use it to run almost all of my errands. I have the usual reasons: exercise, environment, difficult to park a car at the post office and bank, etc.

It is also important that my bike be a sort of spokesmachine for my shop, because style is my business. It is a low-slung machine that looks very 1970s, especially with the flowered basket I added. What made me choose this bike was that I could ride it wearing just about any feminine outfit--I have ridden it wearing 1950s circle skirts, 1960s chiffon cocktail dresses, 1940s pencil skirts, and of course an assortment of high heeled boots and shoes.

But my most important question for now is, IS there a New York chapter of your organization? I admit I didn't do an exhaustive search of your blog but didn't see anything from my area. Not a surprise since New Yorkers and Jersey Cityites view city biking as something akin to roller derby. Yet I know so many people who, given a bit of encouragement and camaraderie, would join a movement like yours. If there isn't one already, I'm ready to start one!"

A wonderful email, Kathleen, and thanks very much for thinking of us. Feel free to send any other cycle chic photos our way. We had never thought about us being a 'movement' but it sounds kind of cool!

And here is a lovely shot from Nancy [the city in France, bien sur], sent to us by Stéphane. Thanks very much!


  1. Wow, thanks for sharing your pics! I love the retro group, that bike rocks and so do your outfits, my wife would be uber-jealous. She loves retro wear, alas she isn't much of a regular biker.

  2. Let Kathleen know that I own a beautiful vintage Raleigh lady's bike that I've been looking to "share" with the right lady. I'm only a quick and easy train ride away.
