17 December 2007

Cycle Chic in the Press


June 2012 - DETAILS Magazine interviews Mikael - The Look of International Bike Style

June 2012 - Esquire Magazine on Cycle Chic - the Book. The Endorsement - Hot Girls on Bikes.

March 2012 - The Ecologist selects Cycle Chic as one of the Top 10 Green Travel Blogs.

(Boy, we're way behind on updating this page... so many mentions that it's hard to keep track)

October 2011 - Former Mayor of Seville writes about Cycle Chic.

September 2011 - NY Mag featured Cycle Chic on their fashion page on the website

September 2011 - Interview in Veja Sao Paulo - cool Brazilian mag.

August 2011 - CondeNast Traveller interview Mikael about Cycle Chic and Monumental Motion.
August 2011 Top 50 Cycling Blogs - Cycle Chic takes over #1. /// 
August 2011 - The Calgary Herald writes about Calgary Cycle Chic.

July 2011 - Ottawa Citizen on Ottawa Cycle Chic.
July 2011 - Great coverage in L'Express.

June 2011 - Article in Spanish Vanity Fair

June 2011 - Article in Spanish newspaper El Pais.

May 2011 - Interview in Montreal Magazine Nightlife.
May 2011 - Article on Cycle Chic in The Independent

March 2011 - Article about the launch of Montreal Cycle Chic (in French)
March 2011 - Cycle Chic gets a write up in the Italian newspaper Repubblica and on their website.

February 2011 - Interview with Mikael in Børsen - the Danish equivalent of The Financial Times - about current and upcoming trends in bicycle culture:

January 2011 - Interview in Knack Weekend, the Belgian lifestyle magazine:
Interview in Knack Interview in Knack Interview in Knack Interview in Knack

October 2010 - Interview with Mikael in Danish newspaper Berlingske Tidende's supplement on cycling trends in Copenhagen and abroad.
MS interview

November 2010 - Mention in Spanish daily El Pais.

October 2010 - Mention in The Independent

September 2010 - NY Times article "Bicycle Chic Gains Speed"
September 2010 - Radio interview about Cycle Chic with Mikael on Australian Broadcasting Corp's programme By Design. Also featuring Mike Rubbo from Situp-Cycle.com.
September 2010 - Interview with Mikael about Cycle Chic on Tribaspace fashion website.
September 2010 - Cycle Chic is chosen as #3 on a list of Most Influential Bloggers in the Best Streetstyle Blog category on this website.
September 2010 - Cubes Design and Lifestyle magazine from Singapore features Cycle Chic in interview and article about Copenhagen.
Cubes 001 Cubes 002 Cubes 003 Cycle Chic

August 2010 - Filmed interview with Mikael about Cycle Chic by Inframe.tv in Australia.

August 2010 - Article on Cycle Chic in Correio Braziliense from Brazil.

August 2010 - Interview with Mikael, founder of Cycle Chic, on Inframe.tv in Australia.
August 2010 - The Toronto Star discovers Cycle Chic and the bicycle.
August 2010: Interview in The Australian - Cycle Chic - "Suddenly cycling is cool, and it’s mostly down to the efforts of one man, Mikael Colville-Andersen, dubbed “The Sartorialist on two wheels’’ by The Guardian in London."

July 2010 - The Guardian's Insiders' Guide to Europe's Top Cycling Cities, featuring Mikael on Copenhagen.
July 2010 - Interview with Mikael in Australia's Broadsheet.
July 2010 - Analysis of Cycle Chic from The Record blog, by Bill Bean - Cycle Chic - Soft core cycling or cycling reimagined?

June 2010 - Great interview with Mikael in the Swedish daily Sydsvenskan:
Interview in Sydsvenskan

June 2010 - Irish Times article about the Dublin Cycle Chic fashion show on 16 June 2010.

June 2010 - Big mention on Enjoy.com.br - Brazilian website.

June 2010 - Article in the Boston Globe about Copenhagen Cycle Chic and the imitators.

June 2010 - Minnesota Public Radio has a piece on Cycle Chic and Slow Bicycling.

June 2010 - Monocle Magazine on Cycle Chic in Japan.

April 2010 - iG Moda out of Brasil loves (Copenhagen) Cycle Chic.
April 2010 - Paper Sky out of Japan chooses Cycle Chic as one of Denmark's best websites.

March 2010 - Swedish national radio did a piece on Cycle Chic today. Takk!

February 2010 - The Guardian/Observer choose Cycle Chic among their Top Ten Fashion Bloggers. Sweeeet.
February 2010 - IT Magazine has a tribute and write up to Cycle Chic.
February 2010 - Interview with Mikael on cool trend site The Inside Source.
February 2010 - Vancouver Sun columnist, Douglas Todd, sings the praises of Cycle Chic in this article.

January 2010 - Cycle Chic is chosen as one of the Blogs of Note by Blogger.com.
January 2010 - Weekendavisen, a Danish newspaper, features a comprehensive article about bicycle culture and an interview with Mikael.
January 2010 - The Guardian's This Week's Internet Reviews offers up a Cycle Chic mention.
January 2010 - The New York Times compiled a list of 31 Places to Go in 2010 and Copenhagen features at number 5. Cycle Chic is cited.

November 2009 - Interview with Mikael by Australian documentary filmmaker Mike Rubbo on YouTube.

October 2009 - Interview in The Independent, the UK daily newspaper.

September 2009- The Wall Street Journal features an interview and article about Cycle Chic.

August 2009 - Interview and article about Copenhagen Cycle Chic in a Polish newspaper.

August 2009 - Profile article in Lowtech Magazine out of Belgium.

August 2009 - Marketing Magazine selects Copenhagen Cycle Chic as one of the Top 10 Fashion Websites. Well pinch my nipples and call me Shirley... that's NICE.

July 2009 - Copenhagen Cycle Chic gets mentioned in the strangest places. But amazing how the 'cycle chic' phrase really is going mainstream.
July 2009 - Another mention in Treehugger.
July 2009 - Article and interview in Weelz, premier French magazine about urban cycling.
July 2009 - The Guardian has a piece on cycling in skirts wherein Cycle Chic is mentioned.

June 2009 - The New York Times has a piece on the Gender Gap in cycling in America, wherein Mikael is interviewed a bit.

June 2009 - Luxaholics finally picks up on the cycle chic movement.
June 2009 - The Fashion Spot features Copenhagen Cycle Chic.

June 2009 - Topshop launches in NYC and Cycle Chic is mentioned. And Style.com picked up the news stating that "The Copenhagen-ization of New York City continues apace..."

June 2009 - The Guardian asks 'cycling experts' about their favourite routes and I'm included, writing about the ride to a café in the centre of Copenhagen. It's on page 3.
June 2009 - The Belgian newspaper DeMorgen.be does a story on Glamour on Wheels, thanks to CycleChic.be:

June 2009 - London Cyclist does a Top 50 Cycling Blog list, based on a number of elements such as Google Pagerank, Twitter Rank, Alexa Rank, number of comments and Technorati Authority. Copenhagen Cycle Chic comes in a Number 4 and Copenhagenize.com at Number 5. Nice.

June 2009 - Article/interview in supplement to Danish daily Politiken:
Verden elsker os Verden elsker os 2
June 2009 - Philosophical comparison between Cycle Chic and Front Porch Republic from Blogmeridian.
June 2009 - Aimee Heckel writes in The Colorado Daily about the Cycle Chic Movement.
Believe Copenhagen. Yes, the entire Danish city, and the nucleus of the Cycle Chic movement, which has swept Europe and is now gracing New York and increasingly more U.S. cities.
June 2009 - New Yorkers Get on Their Bikes in Style. Article about how Cycle Chic is growing in New York City.

May 2009 - The Edmonton Journal does a write up about Cycle Chic and the Edmonton-based Girls&Bicycles blog, inspired by the Original Cycle Chic right here.
May 2009 - Interview with Mikael on Lookatme.ru, Russian streetstyle website. In Russian.
May 2009 - Toronto Star does a piece on Copenhagen, including quotes from Mikael.
May 2009 - The Montreal Gazette features Copenhagen Cycle Chic and interviews Susanne:
Wear high heels to cycle. That's the advice of Copenhagen designer Susanne Modler and the motto of Copenhagen Cycle Chic, one of the hottest style blogs anywhere.
May 2009 - Short mention of the Cycle Chic trend in the Belgian Zone03:

Thanks to CycleChic.be.

May 2009 - Fantastic Russian streetstyle blog - Lookatme.ru - does a big piece on Cycle Chic.

May 2009 - CycleChic.be features Mikael in a post about Cycle Chic after an interview at Velocity 2009 in Brussels.

May 2009 - The Post and Courier in Charleston, NC, USA features Cycle Chic in an article.

April 2009 - Article in the Belgian Het Nieuwsblad on the cycle chic movement:

Thanks to CycleChic.be.

April 2009 - Treehugger.com, in their Best of Green series, selects Copenhagen as the Best City to Be a Cyclist In - and mention Copenhagen Cycle Chic in the process.

March 2009 - BUST magazine covers cycle chic.

February 2009 - The Times has chosen Copenhagen Cycle Chic as one of the Top 100 Blogs - we feature on page three of the article. Here's a link to the front page. Are we chuffed?! Damn straight.

January 2009 - Interview in Danish magazine Nok Nok.
Interview in Danish Mag
January 2009 - Quoted in the Women's Wear Daily article 'Spin Cycle' about luxury bicycle brands.

January 2009 - Mention in an article in the Ottawa Citizen [Canada].

December 2008 - In depth interview in the Norwegian version of The Financial Times - Dagens Næringsliv.
Interview in Dagens Næringsliv

November 2008 - Urban Outfitters dish up a blog mention. Nice.

Fall 2008 - Copenhagen Cycle Chic is one of 70 brands highlighted in the German design book Design Ecology! - Neo-Green Marketing Strategy.

October 2008 - Article in the China Times Weekly about Cycle Chic and The Long John cargo bike.

October 2008 - GQ Magazine's Taiwan edition features Danish and Scandinavian design, with photos from Copenhagen Cycle Chic.

October 2008 - Write up in Minnpost.com from Minnesota.

September 2008 - Guest blogger in The Los Angeles Times about Danish Cargo Bike Culture.

September 2008 - Article in Canadian newspaper National Post entitle Stilettos on Wheels - cycling goes mainstream.

September 2008 - Mention in The Guardian's Life and Style article - Cycle Chic.

August 2008 - Article and interview in the national newspaper Politiken:
Danskerne cykler med stil

August 2008 - Large article and interview in the Irish Times.
August 2008 - Interview in City Avisen, Copenhagen.
August 2008 - Interview in The Copenhagen Post.
August 2008 - Interview in the Danish national daily Berlingske Tidende:
Berlingske Tidende

August 2008 - Guest blogger in The Los Angeles Times.

July 2008 - Heartwarming mention in the Star Tribune out of Minneapolis, USA.

July 2008 - Write up on the French Weelz blog.
July 2008 - Article and interview on Cycloculture Blog.
July 2008 - Write up on the French Vocivelo blog.

July 2008 - Cracking mention in the Covisi - Living in the New Century website.

June 2008 - The Guardian features Copenhagen Cycle Chic and Copenhagenize.com in an article by Carlton Reid in the G2 Ethical Living section and online.
"Colville-Andersen is The Sartorialist on two wheels" is a personal favourite.
June 2008 - ELLE Magazine - Russian Edition - features a number of photos of Copenhagen in their June 2008 issue, including one damn chic bicycle.
ELLE Magazine

June 2008 - Croatian 'Biker' Magazine features a splash of lovely Copenhagen Cycle Chic over a four page spread in their June issue.
Pedala u stilu
June 2008 - The Gazette, a newspaper in Essex, UK, highlights Copenhagen Cycle Chic and the city of Copenhagen as an example of where they want to go with bike culture.

June 2008 - Copenhagen Cycle Chic is blogged about at the coolicious NYLON mag.

April 2008 - Copenhagen Cycle Chic is listed as a reference in the new book by David Bach called "Go Green, Live Rich - 50 Simple Ways to Save the Earth".

April 2008 - Copenhagen Cycle Chic is selected as the Blog of Note by blogger.com for this day. Welcome to all the new readers.

March 2008 - Interview with KommunicationsCast, a weekly Danish podcast on communication and media in Denmark.
March 2008 - The blog has a piece in Cooler.mag, out of the UK.

March 2008 - Urban Outfitters give the thumbs up.
"Copenhagen Cycle Chic is a fresh take on the typical street style blogs. Shooting mostly from the bike lane, you see a variety of women cruising in quite stylish looks, which fit perfectly with the tagline of the blog - ‘Bike Advocacy in High Heels.’ I await the day he photographs the Chanel bicycle in action!"


November 2007
- Vogue Brasil.
"A dica vem de Nana Caetano, editora da Vogue Brasil: andar de bicicleta está na moda! O assunto é tema de uma matéria da Vogue americana de dezembro, que acaba de chegar às bancas. A revista elegeu o meio de transporte como “o acessório mais quente do momento” e, de quebra, mostrou as opções disponíveis no mercado e os looks perfeitos para um passeio em duas rodas.

De olho nisso, Nana nos enviou uma sugestão de blog especializado no mesmo tema. Em “Copenhagen Girls on Bikes”, há cliques e mais cliques de meninas fashionistas e suas bicicletas."

November 2007 - Cover photo and interview with photos in Momentum Bike Magazine out of Vancouver, Canada. Issue #30.
Momentum has given us momentum *

November 2007 - Interview in French newspaper L'Express' online fashion section - Café Mode.

September 2007 - Cycle Chic gets some press in the New York Observer.

September 2007 - Write up on bike builder Dave Moulton's bike blog - Womankind, You Can Save Mankind.

August 2007 - Short review of the blog on BlogMagasinet- a podcast about the Danish blogosphere.

August 2007 - Interview with German "Fashion & Art" Blog.

May 2007 - Photo included in a reportage on Copenhagen in "Modern Elegance - Design For Life", a bespoke lifestyle supplement to the Sunday Times of Malta.
Modern Elegance *

January 2007 - Photospread in KBH Magasin - Copenhagen's monthly design, lifestyle and architecture magazine. First use of Cycle Chic - the name coined by Mikael.
Copenhagen Cycle Chic in KBH Magazine

1 comment:

  1. I included your blog in a recent post I wrote for the travel blog blog.nileguide.com

    Here is the link: http://blog.nileguide.com/2009/09/16/top-5-fashion-blogs-inspiration-to-look-hot-no-matter-where-you-travel/

    We love your site. Thanks!!
