16 November 2007


Warmth, originally uploaded by [Zakkaliciousness].

Your average Copenhagener in average winter cycling gear.

Regarding the statistics about how many Copenhageners ride to work or their educational institution each day - 36% of us - it is the winter months that drag the stats down so much.

On a warm, sunny day in July the estimates are that over 50% of the citizens of this city are on two wheels and looking fabulous.

In the winter the number drops. The average number of public transport users - 35% - increases in the colder months, as does car usage - which figures in at 28% normally.

Nevertheless, the bike lanes are busy even in snowy or rainy weather and a temperature tipping under the freezing point.


  1. ...those are pretty amazing stats, when you think about it...particularly in light of the auto-culture that pervades this country (usa)...

    ...it's heartening to realize that although a lot of traits & interests are shared throughout western 'culture', a country like denmark hasn't bowed to conventional tastes...

    ...while i'm aware car & gas prices are much higher in most european nations, i also believe there is a danish national pride, an independence, at stake there...

  2. oh wow, those stats are fantastic!

  3. car and petrol prices are high, sure, but people choose to ride because it is easy... i'll post a post about the stats regarding why we ride.
