14 November 2007

In step

P1080564, originally uploaded by Aaron78.

Two warmly clad Copenhageners on their way to work this morning. It's seriously cold at the moment, but I have to forego gloves to bring you shots like this. The sacrifices we make here at Copenhagen Cycle Chic!


  1. just snagged your banner and put in up with the link

    a beautiful bike from The Hague made me think of the European bicycle culture
    which had me of course chase that tangent to your page

    keep the good images coming

    and let me know when you self publish a coffee table book

    a coffee table book

    a bedside book for some
    a coffee table book for others

  2. I love your blog! Probably it really is the best way to "inspire people in other countries to commute by bicycle or lobby for better bike conditions in their cities", as you described it.

    Great idea, keep it going!

  3. Thanks, gwadzilla! for the kind words and the link.

    a book is definately a good idea.

    thanks, roland! we're pleased you like the blog and have understood the message!

  4. ...no gloves, such a sacrifice... hey, van gogh cut of an ear for HIS art...

    ...but you know we all do appreciate this site, & it's more than just pretty girls on bikes...it's an affirmation of a better & perhaps simpler cycling lifestyle than most enjoy on a day to day basis...

    ...& i believe i retain credit for first suggesting a book, although it's hardly original on my part...it's just something your 'work/art' would lend itself to so well...

  5. thanks for that, bikesgonewild! we're working on the book...
