18 September 2007

Guest Photo: USA

Now here's a surprise... this photo wasn't even taken in Copenhagen! Or Europe!

It's a cool shot taken by Megan Rucker in Austin, USA.

Never understood those goofy foot clampy pedal things anyway. This girl shows us that all that nerdy gear is superflouous. Ride with style, not gear.
Thanks for letting us blog the photo, Megan. We love it.


  1. how, if i might be so presumptuous, might one submit a photo for possible use?
    thanks so much for this delightful site, by the way.

  2. there's really no such thing as riding "without gear"... that's called walking... those foot pedal clampy things might not work in heels, but they have a purpose

    dig the blog though

  3. Mostly Reverend... if you scroll down to the bottom of the right sidebar, you'll find mine and Mikael's Blogger profiles...contained within there are links to our email addresses. Send me or Mikael the pic and we'll do the rest! Thanks for the kind words.

    Anonymous...Don't worry about Mikael, I think he once had a try-out for a cycling team and didn't make the grade. He now has a pathological hatred for 'serious' cyclists. ;)

  4. haha... perhaps, perhaps. funny this I used to race competively many moons ago. It's just a reaction after living and cycling in Copenhagen. Bikes are transport. Bikes are nice as they are. Gear isn't necessary. Just style and grace, whatever sex you may be. I have never once thought to myself "hmmm, I really need toe clamps..." Even on 15km commutes. But hey, that's just me. I'm just glad you like the blog... :-)

  5. agreed... i guess my point is that depending on who you ask, almost any gear is superfluous... ask the hardcore fixed gear rider and he'll tell you the brakes on that bike are superfluous... personally, i find toe clamps useful because i dread having my foot slip off a pedal and i like the peace of mind of having my foot secured to the pedal (of course, i wear sneakers)... to me they're not superfluous... and in fact, my cages are quite stylish (campy)... but i do think there's a balance between style and function and that's the aesthetic that i look for...

  6. Thanks for responding... fair enough. Let's just embrace the common ground that we share... digging the photos. :-)
    Best, Mikael

  7. ...i hope you guys are thinking about a book...take yer time, get a good compilation & do a killer book...
